Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I've been the pastor for Mission Bay Community Church (MBCC) now for two years and I've learned a lot from this community. Most recently, how well the community cares for one another in times of need. The care they give is just one way they share hospitality.

Earlier this month a newer family in our community experienced complications with their pregnancy. We got word one morning that the mother needed to go into the hospital and she had her two young boys (ages 4 and 2) with her.  I found myself wanting to jump into action and at the same time, I felt overwhelmed with how to help with all I was juggling that day.

Instead of jumping in, I waited a bit and watched with pure amazement as the community sprung into action. Within an hour, a plan was established. One member would go to the hospital, visit with the mom and take the boys off her hands. She then drove the boys to another member's home where the boys came in for snacks and got to play until their dad could leave work. Meanwhile, two other members stopped by the hospital after work to check in with the mom and keep her company.

By the next day when I heard how things had gone, the family already had rides figured out to and from bible study and worship. Meals were being planned and the community was surrounding them with prayer.

WOW. I mean, seriously, this family just moved here a few weeks ago!

It's amazing to see how the deep bond of faith in Christ comes into action in our daily lives. The family shared their need and people jumped up to help going out of their ways to care for each other, feed each other, care for each others' kids.

MBCC does hospitality well. We receive Christ's radical hospitality and then we are compelled to share it with others.  I'm grateful to serve alongside this church!

***Permission was given by the family featured in this story.***

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