Thursday, March 29, 2012

Trusting God

Trusting God is hard work.

Why do we in Christian communities take this trust for granted and not talk about it?

In just over one month I will graduate from this fine institution and uproot my husband to follow God's call. This means leaving my friends, my family, and most likely the geographical area I call "home." There are many risks involved with "following the call" and as I reflect with my peers who are also making this life transition, I wonder where the place is on campus for us to name our fears and our disappointments? To talk and pray together for our futures. To ask question like:

"I know God is with me, but how to I discern if this is God's call for me at this time?"

"Where is God?"

Rev. Kim Clayton preached a powerful sermon yesterday in chapel on Joshua (the end of Deuteronomy and first few verses of Joshua). Moses, the great "sunny" leader, has died and Joshua "the moonlit leader" must lead the Israelites into the promise land. She preached on leaders and how we need both "sunny" leaders and "moonlit" leaders. Sunny leaders are those that pave the way and are looked upon as great. They are superstars if you will. Moses apparently was so "sunny" that the Israelites couldn't even look him in the eye - he head to wear a veil. But, Joshua, practiced shared leadership. He empowered others to lead with him. Apparently, we need both.

The phrase in that text that echoes still today in my ears is God's instruction to Joshua to "be STRONG and COURAGEOUS." Well, that and Kelly Clarkson's song "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.." :)

I need to be strong and courageous as I move forward, trusting that it is in the hardest times of my life when I remember how dependent upon God I am and I am more attuned to the ways in which God is caring for me and guiding me.

I'm excited to be more intimate with God. I'm ready to remember to trust again.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Have we lost the meaning of Lent?

Today is the second to last Sunday in Lent and it is amazing to me how people seem to have already skipped over the cross to Easter. At church today, people were wearing colors that reflected the warm colors of Spring and smiling at the beautiful weather this new season brings. Is there something wrong with our Christian calendar? Should we move Lent a few weeks earlier so that we are still reflecting the somber moods and colors of winter?

I wonder... what does it mean for our Christian communities that the weather and commercial industry direct our moods and dress more than our Christian calendar?

These are questions that have been with me every year during lent. I wonder how it is that we are to claim the cross and give space and attention for folks to bear their own cross before lifting it from them. What do you think?

Please do leave some comments. I'd love to know if I'm the only one who thinks about this...


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Starting to blog

I've only blogged/written a journal three times in my life. Twice during travels and once for a class. This blog is starting because of an assignment, but I'm hoping to commit to it as a means of sharing about ministry with others. Here goes nothing!